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Subscription-based recommendations. That's it.


No "get rich overnight" fake promises. I aim for steady, ongoing returns.

My trading method has been developed and enhanced since January 2021. It generates, low-risk, moderate return trades, with a high success rate.

Steady, compounding progress. 

Your monthly subscription buys 2-3 trade recommendations per week, in Federal Government-regulated US equities options.

You act on my recommendations as you see fit.

No minimum trades, no skimming of your profits, no pump & dump garbage stocks.

And I don't hold your cash. Everything is in your name and solely under your control.

My trades have had a 96% success rate, returning roughly 0.7% per week on capital.
0.7% sounds small? That compounds to 43.7% per annum.


Without crazy risk.

And again, you hold your money and those profits, not me. 

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